Come visit me at my new blog, the Traveling Flâneuse!

Hello lovely subscribers! I admittedly failed to keep updating this blog. During my absence, I’ve graduated from my master’s at Penn, I’ve moved back to the Bay Area and am about to start the job search. I’ve been working on spending more time with my camera and have a bunch of new photos to share…

Steam and Shadows

Slowly uploading my New York photos. You can also find them on Instagram.

EuroNostalgie: La lumière et le reflet

Light, shadows and reflections, these are a few of my favorite things. Paris 2011-2012. At the Opéra Garnier and the Louvre. I stood in line for hours outside the opera in 2012 to get the free Bastille Day tickets. I’m going to say coming away with these few shots alone was worth it.

EuroNostalgie: La Tour

I’ve been on an Instagram craze for the past week or so and haven’t had time to draw or blog, but I thought I’d come back this week with a compilation series of my photos from Europe from September-March 2011/2012, Summer 2012, and September-May 2014/2015 (and summer 2014 if I can locate those). Without any further ado,…

Church on a Sunday

Though I’ve never  been to Church in the way a Christian might, I absolutely love going into churches and experiencing the serenity within. This began after I spent time in France (and took a course on medieval French architecture) where I got to go to some really remarkable churches and cathedrals. While on my Sunday afternoon…

Franklin Square

Sometimes, all you have to do is travel a block or two to find something marvelous. I go to Chinatown every week, and I never realized this little park was right next door! Franklin Square, Philadelphia on a sunny Sunday.

More Books! More Candy!

Today’s Sunday walk consisted of roaming around my favorite parts of Philadelphia. After yesterday’s visit to the Book Barn and Eclat, I wasn’t planning on entering any more book shops or candy stores for a while……but when life gives you lemons (or chocolates, caramels and books), you make lemonade and give into the universe’s suggestions!   So, I…